Grass Kart Challenge Mid Build Gathering
A Grass Kart Challenge Mid Build Gathering will be held during the first week of term 3 as follows:
- Nelson Venue:
NMIT Tuesday 26 June (map)
- Otago Venue :
A Block Otago Polytechnic on Thursday 28 June (map)
- Southland Venue:
SIT Tay Street Campus Friday 29 June (map)
- Canterbury Venue:
SIT Waterloo Road Wednesday 27 June (map)
Grass karts are to be completed to a ‘rolling chassis’ stage prior to the gathering. The Steering Team will inspect and award points for aspects of the kart that may not be visible once construction is completed.
The objectives of the gathering are as follows:
- Ensure welding is of a suitable standard. Welds are not to be painted, filled or ground. Welds are not to be obscured by panels.
- Provide a kart construction milestone. Roughly as many hours are required to complete a rolling chassis as are required to finish the kart from that stage.
- Identify early any areas falling outside specification that need to be rectified.
- Provide teams with an opportunity benchmark their progress against others.
- Provide an opportunity for the Steering Team to provide feedback on progress to date.
- Provide an opportunity to hold a forum to discuss any construction issues.
- Provide an opportunity for media to find out about the Grass Kart Challenge.
A rolling chassis is defined as:
- Main frame completed and welded. Bumper bars and push bars are not required at this stage.
- Wheels and tyres fitted.
- Engine mounted.
- Steering fitted
Karts are to be displayed on a suitable trestle or frame that supports the kart a minimum of 1000mm above the ground whilst obscuring as little of the kart as possible. Accordingly placing the kart on a table or similar surface that precludes inspection of the underside is not acceptable. The school name is to be clearly displayed on the support frame.
Each team will make a 3-5 minute PowerPoint style presentation to the other attendees and steering team at the gathering. This will form part of the overall point allocation, as detailed further on in this document.
The presentation is to include:
- What you have enjoyed the most so far.
- What you have enjoyed the least so far.
- What you have learned so far.
- What you would do differently.
- What the single piece of best advice for other teams would be.
- What the funniest thing to happen so far has been.