The Record Keeping category comprises three sections, Financial Log, Manufacturing Log, and Presentation, to produce a final score out of 100.
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Mid Build
At the Mid Year Build teams will be required to provide a hard copy of their up to date Financial Log and Manufacturing Log, while also required to do a 3 – 5 minute powerpoint type presentation.
Mid Build - Financial Log – 15 points
Teams are to maintain an itemised record of the budget including monies spent, donations received, sponsorship, etc.
Mid Build - Manufacturing Log – 15 points
Teams are to maintain a log of the time spent by each team member on the project, which aspect of the kart was worked on for the period and the broad nature of the task undertaken (such as steering design, frame fabrication, overall painting, etc). Teams are to record work undertaken by non team members, problems encountered and how they were resolved.
Presentation – 20 points
This 3 – 5 minute powerpoint presentation should outline how the team was ‘selected’, introduce the team and outline each person’s responsibilities, with progress to date and any problems incurred and how they have been overcome.
Competition Weekend
Financial Log – 15 points
Teams are to provide, in hard copy, the final up to date itemised record of their budget including monies spent, donations received, sponsorship, etc. These logs enable the Challenge Team to advise future teams the level of fundraising required to produce a kart to a given standard.
Manufacturing Log – 15 points
Teams are to provide, in hard copy, a log of the all the time spent by each team member on the project, which aspects of the kart were worked on for the periods and the broad nature of the tasks undertaken (such as steering design, frame fabrication, overall painting, etc).
Teams are to record work undertaken by non team members, problems encountered and how they were resolved.
Final Presentation – 20 points
The Teams are also required to make a final 3 – 5 minute powerpoint presentation that provides an overview of the whole project to the other attendees and Challenge Team at the final.
The presentation is to include:
• Introduction of team and individuals roles
• What you have enjoyed the most.
• What you have enjoyed the least.
• What you have learned.
• What you would do differently.
• What the single piece of best advice for other teams would be.
• What the funniest thing to happen has been.
• Would you recommend involvement in the Grass Kart Challenge to others and why.